A New Chapter
Welcome to Eda Frandsen and the next chapter in her long and happy life!
Meet Stella & Mungo, Eda Frandsen’s new custodians, who, after spending many years sailing around the world are very happy to be returning to their native homes to fulfil their long-held dreams of sharing their skills, knowledge and sailing philosophy with a whole new generation of sailors.
Have you ever wondered what goes on beneath that beautiful pea green paint?
It’s a pretty interesting story actually.
Having been constructed in 1938 at a shipyard in Grenå, for a shell- fisherman from Lemvig, “Legoda” as she was originally known, worked as a Hajkotter fishing trawler until 1988. Being renamed in 1970 as “Eda Frandsen” after the wife of her owner of the time, Aye Anderson.